YML Utils

About YML/YAML Utils?

YML Utils is for users who works with application configurations and DevOps tools like Kubernetes, Ansible, Terraform, etc. It allows validating YAML configurations or data to check YAML syntax errors. Moreover, it supports conversion to different formats such as JSON and XML. We believe engineers are artists they need healthy environment to focus more on complex problems to solve challenging issues. Moreover, configurations exchanges over emails or attachments reduces correctness of the source payload. YML Utils contribute helping hands to solve such problems by parsing and formatting your messy YAML configurations.

What Is YAML?

YAML stands for Yet Another Markup Language, is widely used format for writing configurations for most DevOps tools and applications (e.g., Kubernetes, Ansible, Prometheus etc.). Which is why when using such tools, it is important to understand the details of the YAML syntax and its main concepts. Like XML and JSON, YAML is a data serialization language. By serialization means that applications written with different technologies, languages etc. which have different data structures can transfer data to each other using a common agreed-on or a standard format. The popularity of YAML format is has been raised in recent years. It is mainly because of its syntax which enrich its readability.

Want to know more about YML/YAML? Checkout some of the links given below:

1. The Official YAML Web Site

2. YAML - Wikipedia

3. What is YAML? A Beginner's Guide - CircleCI

4. What is YAML?

Why YML Utils?

Configuring complex applications, infrastructure tools or managing clusters like Kubernetes etc. is not an easy task. It requires ample amount of time and focus to understand. Once the engineers are ready, they often encounter technical challenges, either related to compatibility, legacy codebase, or configurations etc. Dealing all such challenges results fragile products. YML Utils help engineers to stay focus and not to worry about at least issues related to YAML.

1. Validation

This feature help engineers to find and fix YAML validation errors. If you are trying to validate YAML and getting error like, “Unexpected characters near…” It means you are possibly trying to parse something that isn’t YAML, or it is YAML having errors. YML Utils detects position of error which help engineers to correct errors without spending precious time on finding syntax issues somewhere in the configuration.

2. Formatting / Beautify

Many sites or configurations offer YAML formatted data. Usually, while copying such data payloads entire indentation gets messed up. Moreover, sometimes white spaces used for indentation are not consistent or error prone. This feature help engineers to format YAML configurations and get sense out of it.

3. Compression / Minify

Efficient network utilization is always important, specifically when dealing with huge YAML configurations. This is helpful for DevOps tools which consumes YAML configurations from remote locations i.e., Kubernetes, Spring Cloud Config, Ansible etc. Even though we are living in the age of technology. High speed internet is still seeming like a dream, specifically in rural areas. Parsing long configurations without impacting user experience is not a simple task. In contrast with Formatting/Beautify, YAML compression tool help engineers to avoid putting additional overhead on network resources through compact YAML payloads. By default, it uses two spaces for indentation to compress YAML configurations.

4. JSON Conversion

Working with JSON based configurations is quite common. When integrating external systems/APIs, engineers often get requirements where they get YAML configurations. However, there existing codebase supports only JSON format (or vice versa). To make engineers life easier, this feature provides quick conversion of YAML configurations into JSON format.

5. XML Conversion

Working with SOAP based APIs or XML based configurations are still common. When integrating external systems/APIs, engineers often get requirements where they get YAML configurations. However, there existing codebase supports only XML format (or vice versa). To make engineers life easier, this feature provides quick conversion of YAML configurations into XML format.

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